Keto Recipes, Recipes

Keto Chicken Salad

Happy New Year’s Eve!

After the holidays many folks look to refocus their nutrition and clean up their diet. The Keto diet is booming right now, everywhere I turn I see another ad in my feed about Keto. If you are looking to try Keto, my biggest advice is to do your research and listen to your body. Keto doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s my belief that if done properly it can help many folks. I’ve certainly experienced many improvements personally. If you choose to embark on Keto, I’ll be posting a number of recipes in the coming weeks along with a 3 day free meal plan! This will be rolled out when me and my friend Andie over at  Our Radiant Life embark on a new podcast! On the podcast we will be discussing a number of health topics, but initially we will focus on women and Keto! SO excited! More details to come…

I’m always looking for a quick and easy lunch meal that I don’t have to spend a lot of time prepping. This one is just that!

Here is meal planning at its easiest: Get yourself a rotisserie chicken for dinner, serve it up with some low carb veggies – my go-to is sauteed kale or Swiss chard with garlic and a large dollop of tahini at the very end to create a “creamy” green with lots of good fats. The greens pair great with the roasted chicken.

THEN, this is where the quick lunch comes in – take some of the extra chicken meat (I usually eat one of the thighs/leg for dinner and grab the other for this meal) and turn it into chicken salad. One thigh/leg combo usually amounts to 4oz of skin and chicken meat. Throw this chicken salad together, divide up the portion and you have 2 lunches for the week! You could of course use the breast meat as well; you will just have a little lower fat quotient in that case. But you could compensate by adding more mayo and making it extra creamy!

I usually serve this up on romaine lettuce leaves, but you could definitely use a low carb wrap of any kind – butter lettuce, collard green leaf, coconut wraps or my personal favorite, if not doing lettuce, is the almond flour wraps by Siete.

Serve the wraps with a side of cucumbers and/or carrots – maybe even a side of some guacamole for dipping?! Yes please!

Keto Chicken Salad

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