Random Thoughts

Traveling Solo

I wrote this blog while traveling 2 years ago and never got around to posting it. I am currently craving travel in these post-COVID times and yearning for the day I can travel to Europe again. I hope you enjoy and comment below on your favorite travel spots! Thanks for reading!

I love my boys (i.e. husband and 5 yr old son), oh how I love my boys. And while its hard every single time I leave them, there is also this small part of me that feels fulfilled and balanced when I have some alone time. Maybe its my introverted nature or maybe everyone just needs some time alone to unplug from the everyday? Im not sure.

Im 42 and, until this week, Ive never traveled alone internationally. Technically not in the states either unless you count multiple 12 hour drives back to my home state – but that was just traveling alone, not exploring alone. Exploring alone is a whole different thing. In one way it sucks not to have someone else to explore with and then later recount the sights and experiences from your memories of the trip weeks or even years later. But there is also a freedom to exploring alone. You go where the wind takes you, stop and have a coffee when you want, the photos you want, and pick your own pace.

I used to get antsy sitting alone at dinner. I’ve come now to appreciate the quiet and slow pace I can take eating along over the frantic rush of shoveling food into my face AND my distracted kids face at the same time so that he actually eats his dinner.

I was on my way to Europe for a work trip and decided to go a couple days early and explore Athens, Greece and see the historical sites Ive only read about in books. The Acropolis hill top was pretty awe inspiring and the history of Greece is fascinating. While cold and windy that weekend due to a storm that had blown through, I made the most of it and  the lack of big crowds. I went on a bike tour (which just happened to be a private tour b/c it was so cold I was the only crazy person interested in a bike tour that day) and either foot or bike is the absolute best ways to explore a city. Athens has all kinds of diagonal, snaking, zig-zag roads with cafes on every corner and plenty of fantastic Mediterranean food options.

Of course you have to be smart traveling alone, especially as a woman. I said hello (apparently too friendly) to a man working a booth at the open market which started a conversation about if I was traveling along – “No” I said. He pursues and asks if its with a friend. “Oh no, with my husband.” I lied. He continues and tries to encourage me to leave my husband at the hotel and come have a coffee with him. At that point I just laugh, wave my hand and walk away. Part of me getting a little nervous just because the reality of being there alone hit me. Honestly, that whole market was a little unnerving. It was in a more industrial part of town and not as nice. Once I got out of there and back to the quaint little streets, I was much more comfortable. While its good to do things that put you out of your comfort zone, you have to read your environment and know when to be cautious.

It was only for 2 days, but I thoroughly enjoyed getting lost in a new city by myself and I plan to do this again another time soon. Anyone have good suggestions in Europe for solo female travelers? Rome is definitely high on my list.